At Luxury Signature by R, we provide more than just design. When designing, we try to picture how exactly we want the client to experience it . We want our final result to appeal to the five human senses of our clients. To give your space a depth of personality that is more than just a great “eye candy”, you need depth, intrigue, creativity, nuance and a whole lot more. This can be achieved through the different choices you make during your design plans (floor plan, ceiling, and lighting plan, furniture layout) and when choosing decorative accessories. That’s where we come in, here at Signature by R, we design, we retail and we install.

Our Vision

Our vision is to create a coherent design story from the Start to Installation, combining functionality & aesthetics, resulting in a truly balanced & liveable home which reflects each person’s taste & style. 



1st stage

Meet the client

.Visit the site with the client

.Go through the questionnaire with the client

.Brainstorm with the client

. Give the client a preliminary cost/estimated cost of the project or orally inform them of the price range of their project (cost may be higher than estimated, depending on the element of the project

. We will proceed to stage 2 on the client's explicit request

2nd stage

Planning and Designing

. Design team comes up with a design bearing in mind the client's specification

. The design will be form of a mood board for presentation to client. Maybe done in 3D form upon client's request

*Designing may take 10-12 working days depending on the scale of the project

3rd stage

Presentation of design

. Presentation of project ideas in mood board or 3D to the client

. Alterations and additions may be made by the client

. Approval of design by the client

*Alterations and additions may take about 2-5 days depending on the scale.

* In the event that a client that a client wants to send the design, the design consultation fee will be paid in advance.

4th stage

Presentation and submission of invoice

. Presentation and submission of invoice

. Approval/negotiation of invoice by the client

. Mobilisation by the client

* Mobilisation is 70% of the total project amount, the balance of 30% shall be paid upon the delivery and installation

5th stage

Execution and completion of project


i. The first meeting is absolutely free

ii. Client will have to pay a consultation fee to cover for the design services rendered in the event that our services are not engaged at the end of the design process
Please note that the consultation fee does not cover the use or implementation of the design by the client. it covers the work done during the consultation and design process only


.Full design including 3D (10m)
.Full design without 3D (8m)

Payment for the above should be made within 20 working days after disengagement.

Please note: If the client is not ready to proceed with interior services within 30 calendar days of the conclusion of the design consultation of the design consultation process, the client will be required to pay the sum applicable in the Fee Schedule. The sum paid will be eventually be deducted from the client's bill when the project is commissioned.

* If the contract is awarded, consultation will be from 10% upwards of the total cost of the project

* 3D rendering will only be provided on the request of the client


* Full mood board with pictorial representation of the design with furniture layouts

* Comprehensive 3D drawings

* Comprehensive invoice that shows the type of materials we plan to use

* A descriptive project schedule and timelines

PLEASE NOTE that the client is prohibited from using our design without paying for it.

* Undertaking and Memorandum of Understanding

* I have read the outline above and in view of the extensivesive discussions/negotiations with